  1. numpy-numpymatlibones

numpy.matlib.ones() - ( Matrix Operations with NumPy )

Heading h2


numpy.matlib.ones(shape, dtype, order)


import numpy.matlib
import numpy as np

# creating a 2x3 matrix of ones
ones_matrix = np.matlib.ones((2,3))



[[1. 1. 1.]
 [1. 1. 1.]]


The numpy.matlib.ones() function creates an array/matrix of ones with a given shape. It takes three parameters:

  • shape: Tuple representing the dimensions of the output array (e.g., (2,3))
  • dtype: Data type of the output array (optional)
  • order: Whether to store the array row-wise or column-wise (optional)

In the above example, we first imported the numpy.matlib module and numpy module. We then used the numpy.matlib.ones() function to create a 2x3 matrix of ones. Finally, we printed the array using the print() function.


The numpy.matlib.ones() function is a useful tool for creating arrays and matrices filled with ones. It can be used to initialize arrays or matrices for numerical computations or for any given mathematical operation.

Important Points

  • numpy.matlib.ones() function creates an array/matrix of ones with a given shape
  • It takes three parameters: shape, dtype, and order
  • It is available in the numpy.matlib module


In conclusion, numpy.matlib.ones() is a tool for matrix operations in NumPy that creates a matrix of ones with the specified shape. It can be used to initialize arrays or matrices for numerical computations or for any mathematical operation. It takes three parameters: shape, dtype, and order. The function is available in the numpy.matlib module and is a useful tool for scientific computations and mathematical operations.

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