  1. numpy-arrays-within-the-numerical-range

Arrays within the numerical range

In NumPy, creating an array within a numerical range is a common task. This can be done using the numpy.arange() method, which creates an array of evenly spaced values within a specified range.


The basic syntax for using numpy.arange() method is as follows:

numpy.arange(start, stop, step, dtype=None)


  • start: The starting value of the range.
  • stop: The end value of the range (exclusive).
  • step: The step size between the values.
  • dtype: The data type of the array elements.


Consider the following example, where we create an array of values between 5 and 15 (exclusive) with a step size of 2:

import numpy as np

arr = np.arange(5, 15, 2)



[ 5  7  9 11 13]


The numpy.arange() method creates an array of values between the start and stop values (exclusive) with a step size of step. In the example above, the array values are between 5 and 15 (exclusive) with a step size of 2. The resulting array is [5, 7, 9, 11, 13].


The numpy.arange() method is useful for creating arrays of evenly spaced values within a range. This can be used in various data analysis and scientific computing tasks.

Important Points

  • The start value is inclusive, while the stop value is exclusive.
  • If the step value is not given, the default value is 1.
  • The dtype parameter is optional. If not provided, NumPy will determine the data type of the array based on the other parameters.


NumPy's numpy.arange() method is useful for creating arrays of evenly spaced values within a range. It takes in the start, stop, step, and dtype parameters to create the array. The resulting array can be used in various data analysis and scientific computing tasks.

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