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Visual Studio Debugging - ASP.NET Core Testing & Debugging

Debugging is an essential step in any development process, and Visual Studio provides a powerful set of features for debugging code. In this page, we'll explore how to debug an ASP.NET Core application in Visual Studio.


There is no syntax for Visual Studio debugging. Instead, we will explore various features and tools provided by Visual Studio for debugging.


Let's consider a simple ASP.NET Core application that requires debugging. Here is the sample code:

public class SampleController : ControllerBase
    public ActionResult<string> Get(int id)
        var value = $"You entered {id}";
        return Ok(value);


The output of the application can be seen in the browser or other client-side application that consumes the API.


Before we start debugging, ensure that Visual Studio is running the application under Debug configuration. Then, set breakpoints in the code where you want to stop the program execution. Use the F5 key or "Start Debugging" button to launch the application. When the application is running, use the client-side application to request the API.

When the code hits the breakpoint, you can use various debugging features and tools to inspect the code. You can use the "Watch" window to monitor variables and objects or use the "Immediate" window to execute code and test hypotheses.


Debugging is used to identify issues in the code during development. It helps to identify and fix bugs that are not immediately evident by just looking at the code. Debugging is a useful tool for developers to ensure that the code is running as expected.

Important Points

  • Visual Studio provides a set of tools and features for debugging an ASP.NET Core application.
  • Set breakpoints to stop the execution of the program at a specific point.
  • Use the "Watch" window to monitor variables and objects.
  • Use the "Immediate" window to execute code and test hypotheses.


In this page, we've explored how to debug an ASP.NET Core application in Visual Studio. We learned about various debugging features and tools provided by Visual Studio, including setting breakpoints, using the "Watch" window, and using the "Immediate" window. Debugging is an essential tool for developers to identify and fix bugs in the code during development.

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