  1. net-core-http-request-handling

HTTP Request Handling - ASP.NET Core API

In ASP.NET Core API, HTTP requests can be processed and handled using various approaches. In this page, we will discuss how to handle HTTP requests using middleware in ASP.NET Core API.


HTTP middleware is software that provides additional functionality to an application's HTTP pipeline. In ASP.NET Core API, middleware can intercept HTTP requests and responses and perform actions based on the request and response.


The following code snippet shows the syntax for using middleware to handle HTTP requests in ASP.NET Core API:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)

Here, CustomMiddleware is the class that implements the IMiddleware interface. We use the UseMiddleware extension method of the IApplicationBuilder interface to register the middleware with the application.


Here's an example of implementing middleware to handle HTTP requests in ASP.NET Core API:

public class CustomMiddleware : IMiddleware
    public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
        // Perform actions before the request is passed on to the next middleware.
        // Invoke the next middleware in the pipeline.
        await next(context);

        // Perform actions after the request has been processed by the next middleware.

In the above example, CustomMiddleware implements the IMiddleware interface, which defines the InvokeAsync method. This method is called by the middleware pipeline to handle the incoming HTTP request.


ASP.NET Core API middleware can be used to perform a range of tasks such as authentication, caching, logging, compression, etc. Middleware can be added to the application pipeline in different ways, including:

  • Using the UseMiddleware extension method.
  • Using the Use extension method to add middleware components.
  • Using the Map and MapWhen methods to map URL paths to middleware components.

Middleware components in the pipeline can receive the HTTP request and pass it on to the next component in the pipeline using the next parameter.


Middleware can be used for a wide range of tasks such as logging, authentication, caching, and compression. Custom middleware can be used to perform specific tasks that are not provided by built-in middleware components.

Important Points

  • Middleware in ASP.NET Core API provide additional functionality to the application's HTTP pipeline.
  • The IMiddleware interface defines the InvokeAsync method, which is used to handle HTTP requests.
  • Middleware can be registered using the UseMiddleware extension method.


In this page, we discussed how to handle HTTP requests in ASP.NET Core API using middleware. We covered the syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points of HTTP request handling in ASP.NET Core API. Middleware provide additional functionality to the application's HTTP pipeline and can be used for a wide range of tasks such as logging, caching, and authentication.

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