  1. net-core-logging-frameworks-nlog

Logging frameworks (NLog) - ( ASP.NET Core Logging )

Logging is an important aspect of application development as it helps in debugging, performance improvement and monitoring in production environments. NLog is one of the popular logging frameworks that can be used in ASP.NET core applications. In this page, we will discuss how to install and configure NLog in ASP.NET core applications.


Before you start implementing logging using NLog, you need to have the following prerequisites:

  • .NET Core SDK
  • Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code


To install NLog, you can use the NuGet package manager:

dotnet add package NLog.Web.AspNetCore


After installation, you need to configure NLog in your application. In order to do that, you need to:

  1. Add nlog.config file to your project.
  2. Add the following code in Program.cs file, in the CreateWebHostBuilder method:
public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>

Additionally, you can configure logging levels and targets in the nlog.config file.


Here's an example of logging in ASP.NET core using NLog:

public class HomeController : Controller
    private static Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

    public IActionResult Index()
        logger.Trace("Trace message");
        logger.Debug("Debug message");
        logger.Info("Information message");
        logger.Warn("Warning message");
        logger.Error("Error message");
        logger.Fatal("Fatal message");

        return View();


The logging messages generated using NLog can be written to a variety of target locations such as file, console, database, etc. The target location can be configured in the nlog.config file.


NLog is a logging framework that provides an easy way to log messages in your application. It supports a variety of target locations and logging levels, which can be configured according to your application's needs. You can log messages in your controllers, services, and other parts of the application.


NLog can be used in ASP.NET core applications to log messages for debugging, performance improvement, and monitoring. It provides an easy way to log messages throughout the application.

Important Points

  • NLog is a popular logging framework used in ASP.NET core applications.
  • To use NLog, you need to install its NuGet package and configure it in your application.
  • NLog supports a variety of target locations and logging levels, which can be configured according to your application's needs.


In this page, we discussed how to install and configure NLog in ASP.NET core applications. We covered the prerequisites, installation, configuration, example, output, explanation, use, and important points of using NLog for logging in ASP.NET core applications. By using NLog, you can easily log messages throughout your application for debugging, performance improvement, and monitoring purposes.

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