  1. net-core-create-and-run-console-apps

Create and run console apps - (.NET Core Console Applications)


A Console Application is a type of .NET application that runs from the command prompt. It provides a user-friendly interface to run and control the application. In this page, we will discuss how to create and run Console Applications using .NET Core command-line tools.


The command to create a new console application is:

dotnet new console -n <project-name>


  • new command is used to create a new project.
  • console specifies the project type as a console application.
  • -n <project-name> is used to give a name to the console application.

The command to run a console application is:

dotnet run


Here's an example of a simple Console Application written in C#:

using System;

namespace ConsoleApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");


When you run the Console Application, the output will be shown in the console window. In the case of the above example, the output will be:

Hello, World!


A Console Application can be created in .NET using the System.Console class, which allows the user to communicate with the application by reading input and writing output to the console. The Main() method is the entry point of every Console Application, and it is executed when the application starts. The WriteLine() method is used to display output to the console.


Console Applications are widely used for various purposes, such as running commands, automating tasks, performing calculations, and more. They provide a command-line interface, which makes them lightweight and easy to use.

Important Points

  • A Console Application is a type of .NET application that runs from the command prompt.
  • The Main() method is the entry point of every Console Application.
  • The System.Console class is used to read input and write output to the console.


In this page, we discussed how to create and run Console Applications using .NET Core command-line tools. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of Console Applications. By creating console applications, we can automate tasks, perform calculations, and more.

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