  1. net-core-benchmarking-and-profiling

Benchmarking and Profiling in ASP.NET Core

When developing web applications, it's important to test and optimize application performance. ASP.NET Core provides various tools for benchmarking and profiling web applications to identify performance bottlenecks. In this page, we will discuss how to use benchmarking and profiling tools in ASP.NET Core.


Benchmarking is the process of measuring the performance of a system, component, or process. ASP.NET Core provides a benchmarking tool known as BenchmarkDotNet that helps measure the performance of .NET code.


To install BenchmarkDotNet, add the following NuGet package to your project:



To benchmark a method in your application, create a class that inherits from BenchmarkDotNet. Here's an example of how to benchmark a method that sorts an array of integers:

public class SortBenchmarks
    private int[] data;

    [Params(10, 100, 1000)]
    public int N;

    public void Setup()
        // initialize data array
        data = new int[N];
        var random = new Random();

        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
            data[i] = random.Next();

    public void BubbleSort()

    public void QuickSort()

In the code above, the MemoryDiagnoser attribute enables memory allocation diagnostics. The Params attribute sets the array size parameter N. The GlobalSetup method initializes the array with randomly generated integers. The Benchmark methods mark the methods being benchmarked.


To execute a benchmark test, run the application with the --configuration Release command-line option or run:

dotnet run -c Release


After running the benchmark tests, you'll get a report that compares the performance of methods tested across different parameters. The report output includes information on mean and standard deviation values, memory allocation, and execution time.


Profiling is the process of analyzing the behavior of an application during execution. Profiling tools help detect memory leaks, thread contention, and locks that can lead to application performance issues.

Visual Studio Profiler

Visual Studio's built-in profiler can be used to analyze the performance of ASP.NET Core applications. Here are the steps to enable profiler in Visual Studio:

  1. Open your ASP.NET Core project in Visual Studio.
  2. From the "Debug" menu, select "Profiler" and choose the "Performance Profiler" option.
  3. Select the profiling method, such as "Sampling" or "Instrumentation".
  4. Start the profiler by clicking the "Start" button.
  5. Perform actions in your ASP.NET Core application that you want to profile.
  6. Stop the profiler by clicking the "Stop" button.


DotTrace is a profiling tool provided by JetBrains. To use DotTrace:

  1. Install DotTrace on your system.
  2. Start DotTrace from the Start menu.
  3. Select "Profile .NET Application".
  4. Choose the ASP.NET Core executable or choose "Attach to Process".
  5. Start profiling.
  6. Perform actions in your ASP.NET Core application that you want to profile.
  7. Stop profiling and analyze the results.

Optimizing Performance

Benchmarking and profiling tools can help you identify performance bottlenecks in your ASP.NET Core application. After detecting the issues, you can optimize the code to improve performance.


In this page, we covered how to benchmark and profile ASP.NET Core applications to identify performance bottlenecks. By using benchmarking and profiling tools, you can optimize the code to improve application performance.

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