  1. net-core-built-in-middleware

Built-in middleware - ASP.NET Core Middleware

ASP.NET Core middleware is software that is placed in the HTTP pipeline to provide some functionality to the incoming request and outgoing response. There are many built-in middleware components available in the ASP.NET Core framework. This page discusses some of the commonly used built-in middleware in ASP.NET Core.


The syntax to use middleware in ASP.NET Core is straightforward. The following example demonstrates adding built-in middleware to the HTTP pipeline in the Configure method of the Startup class.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)



    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>


Here are some commonly used built-in middleware in ASP.NET Core:

UseStaticFiles: This middleware is used to serve static files, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files from the application's root.


UseRouting: This middleware is used for routing requests to appropriate controller action methods in your application.


UseAuthorization: This middleware is used for authentication and authorization of requests.


UseEndpoints: This middleware is used to map endpoints to the controllers in your application.

app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>


The built-in middleware helps to process the incoming HTTP requests and outgoing HTTP responses. They add functionality like security, serving static files, routing the requests to appropriate endpoints, and more.


Built-in middleware components provide common functionality needed for almost every application. They help developers to focus more on the application's business logic and less on writing code for essential features.


Built-in middleware can be used to add features to the applications that are being built in the ASP.NET Core framework. It enables developers to add functionality in the application with much less code and time.

Important Points

  • Middleware is software that is placed in the HTTP pipeline to provide some functionality to the incoming request and outgoing response.
  • The ASP.NET Core framework provides many built-in middleware components that provide common functionality needed for almost every application.


In this page, we discussed some of the commonly used built-in middleware in ASP.NET Core. These middleware components help to process the incoming HTTP requests and outgoing HTTP responses. They added functionality-like security, serving static files, routing requests to appropriate endpoints, and more. Middleware is a critical concept in ASP.NET Core development, and learning how to use it well is important for building robust, scalable applications.

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