  1. net-core-cli-commands

CLI Commands - .NET Core Tutorial

.NET Core is a powerful and flexible cross-platform framework for developing modern applications. The .NET Core Command-Line Interface (CLI) is a tool that enables you to create, configure, and compile .NET Core applications from the command line. In this tutorial, we will look at some common .NET Core CLI commands that will help you develop your applications efficiently and effectively.


The basic syntax for .NET Core CLI commands is as follows:

dotnet <command> [arguments] [-options]

Here's an example of creating a new .NET Core console application using the CLI:

dotnet new console -o myapp

This command creates a new console application called myapp.


Here are some of the most commonly used .NET Core CLI commands:

  • new: creates a new project or solution
  • build: compiles the project into an executable
  • test: runs the unit tests in the project
  • run: runs the application
  • publish: publishes the project for deployment
  • clean: removes all build artifacts

Here's an example of compiling a .NET Core console application using the CLI:

dotnet build

This command compiles your project and generates an executable file in the bin directory.


The output of a .NET Core CLI command depends on the specific command being executed. In general, you can expect to see information about the progress of the command, any warnings or errors encountered, and the result of the command.


The .NET Core CLI provides a convenient and powerful way to manage your .NET Core projects without relying on an IDE. You can create new projects, compile your code, run unit tests, and publish your application for deployment all from the command line.


The .NET Core CLI commands are useful for a variety of development tasks, including creating new projects, compiling your code, running unit tests, and publishing your application for deployment.

Important Points

  • The .NET Core CLI is a powerful command-line tool that lets you create, configure, and compile .NET Core applications.
  • The basic syntax for .NET Core CLI commands is dotnet <command> [arguments] [-options].
  • Some common .NET Core CLI commands include new, build, test, run, and publish.


The .NET Core CLI is a versatile and powerful tool that allows you to manage your .NET Core projects from the command line. In this tutorial, we covered some of the most commonly used .NET Core CLI commands, including new, build, test, run, publish, and clean. By becoming familiar with these commands, you can be more productive and efficient in developing your .NET Core applications.

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