  1. aws-storage-gateway

AWS Storage Gateway

AWS Storage Gateway is a hybrid storage service that enables on-premises applications to access cloud storage. This service optimizes the data transfer between on-premise and cloud storage, providing low-latency performance to your applications.


  1. Choose the Gateway type: AWS Storage Gateway provides three types of gateways - File gateway, Volume gateway, and Tape gateway - depending on the workload type and data storage requirements.

  2. Set up the Gateway: After choosing the Gateway type, you need to set up the Gateway in your on-premises environment. This setup involves configuring the Gateway and connecting it with your on-premises applications.

  3. Configure the Gateway: Upon setting up the Gateway, you configure it by creating local storage disks on the Gateway, specifying your cloud storage provider, and creating cache volumes to store frequently accessed data.

  4. Connect to the cloud: After configuring the Gateway, it is ready to transfer data between your on-premises environment and the cloud. You can use the default Amazon S3 bucket, or specify your S3 bucket or another supported cloud provider.

  5. Manage the Gateway: You can manage the Gateway by monitoring, updating, and maintaining it using the AWS Management Console, API, or CLI.

Examples and Use Cases

  • Example: A cloud-based application needs to access large data files from on-premises storage reliably. Use AWS Storage Gateway's File Gateway for SMB (Server Message Block) file shares. After setting up the Gateway, connect it to the application and start storing data in the cloud.

  • Use case: A company needs to store backups in a cost-effective and scalable manner. They can use AWS Storage Gateway's Tape Gateway. In this case, the Gateway uses Virtual Tape Library (VTL) to store data directly in the cloud, reducing physical storage costs.

Important Points

  • AWS Storage Gateway has three different types of gateways - File gateway, Volume gateway, and Tape gateway.
  • The gateway needs to be configured and connected to the on-premises environment before transferring data between on-premises and cloud storage.
  • AWS Storage Gateway uses a cache to maintain frequently accessed data.
  • AWS Storage Gateway is highly available, redundant, and provides low-latency data transfer.
  • AWS Storage Gateway is easy to manage through the AWS Management Console, APIs, or CLI.


AWS Storage Gateway enables hybrid cloud storage by allowing on-premises applications to access cloud storage seamlessly. With its low-latency data transfer and configurable cache, it provides high-performance access to cloud storage, allowing customers to store data efficiently and economically, reducing storage costs.

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