  1. aws-command-line-interface-cli

AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) Page

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services from the command line. It provides a simple to interact with AWS services and automate tasks using scripts.


  1. Install the AWS CLI: Install the AWS CLI on your local machine as per the operating system of your machine using the installation instructions provided on the AWS website.

  2. Configure the AWS CLI: Once you have installed the AWS CLI, configure it by running the aws command. It will prompt you to enter your AWS access key ID, AWS secret access key, and default region.

  3. Use AWS CLI commands: After configuring the AWS CLI, you can use commands to manage your AWS services and automate tasks. For example, you can use the aws ec2 describe-instances command to view information about instances in your account.

  4. scripts: You can use the AWS CLI to create for automating tasks. Scripts can be used to tasks such as creating instances, retrieving data, and executing commands from the local machine.

Examples and Use Cases

  • Example: Suppose you want to get information an EC2 instance. You can use the ec2 describe-instances command to view information about instances in your account.

  • Use case: You to automate the snapshot process of an EC2 instance. You can create a script that uses the aws2 create-snapshot command at a specific interval.

Important Points

  • AWS CLI is a unified tool to manage AWS services from the command line
  • and configure the AWS CLI on your local machine
  • Use CLI commands to manage your AWS services and tasks
  • Create scripts using the AWS CLI to tasks


The AWS CLI is a tool that can help you manage your AWS services and tasks from the command line. By installing the AWS and configuring it properly, you can use it to advanced tasks and automate routine tasks with ease.

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