  1. aws-non-relational-database

AWS Non-Relational Databases

AWS provides several non-relational database services for different use cases. In this guide, we will explore some of the popular non-relational database services offered by AWS and how they can be used.


  1. Understand the concept of NoSQL databases: NoSQL databases are non-relational databases that offer flexible and scalable database solutions. They are designed to handle unstructured data and are used for various purposes, such as caching data, managing sessions, building real-time applications, and analytics.

  2. Choose the right database solution: AWS provides several non-relational database services. Understanding the use case and requirements, choose the right database solution. For instance, DynamoDB is a managed NoSQL database service that is suitable for real-time applications and mobile applications, while Amazon DocumentDB is a fully managed document database service that supports MongoDB workloads.

  3. Set up database clusters and architecture: When setting up a non-relational database on AWS, it's essential to design the architecture that suits the application's requirements. Create database clusters with standby instances for high availability.

  4. Use encryption for security: AWS provides several security features to ensure data security. Use encryption at rest and in transit, Network Access Control Lists (NACLs), and security groups to secure the database.

  5. Monitor, Optimize, and Scale: Use tools provided by AWS to monitor the database's health and performance. Optimize non-relational databases by setting up indexes, partition keys, and adjusting read/write capacity. Scale the database horizontally or vertically based on the application requirements.

Examples and Use Cases

  • Example: A gaming company wants a managed database service that can handle high traffic, fast editing of data, and continuous real-time retakes. Amazon DynamoDB is suitable for this use case based on its quick response times, automatic scalability, and ability to serve thousands of game sessions running simultaneously.

  • Use case: A startup wants to migrate its existing MongoDB database to AWS. Amazon DocumentDB is a fully managed document database service that is compatible with MongoDB workloads, and can be set up with encryption and scalability. It can be the right solution in this use case.

Important Points

  • NoSQL databases are flexible and scalable database solutions.
  • AWS provides different non-relational database services, and choosing the appropriate solution depends on the use case and requirements.
  • Design the architecture for high availability, scalability, and security.
  • Set up encryption at rest and in transit, security groups, and NACLs to secure the database.
  • Optimize and scale the database for better performance, adjusting read/write capacity, indexes, and partition keys.
  • Use monitoring tools provided by AWS to monitor the database's health and performance.


Non-relational databases provide a flexible, scalable, and efficient solution for handling unstructured data, storing and retrieving data, and powering real-time applications. AWS provides several non-relational database services, each of which is designed for an array of use cases. Understanding the application requirements, planning the architecture, setting up security, and optimizing the database can lead to high-performance, reliable, and scalable non-relational databases in AWS.

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