  1. aws-security-group

AWS Security Group

An AWS Security Group acts as a virtual firewall for your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, controlling traffic to and from them. In this page, we will explore AWS Security Group and its related concepts.


  1. Create a Security Group: You can create a Security Group from the AWS Management Console, using AWS SDKs, CLI or with the help of AWS APIs.

  2. Add inbound rules: Inbound rules allow incoming traffic to an EC2 instance. You can specify the protocol, port range and the source of the traffic.

  3. Add outbound rules: Outbound rules control the outgoing traffic from the EC2 instance. You can specify the protocol, port range and the destination of the traffic.

  4. Associate the security group with an EC2 instance: Once you create the security group, you can associate it with an EC2 instance or multiple instances.

  5. Modify the security group rules: You can add, remove and modify the existing rules to suit your requirement.

  6. Monitor the traffic: AWS provides VPC flow logs to capture IP traffic information and monitor the traffic flow at the instance level.

Examples and Use Cases

  • Example: In a security group, inbound rules can be set up to allow specific port traffic from the internet or specific IP address ranges. An example of this can be seen in a web server group where we can allow port 80 (HTTP) traffic from any IP address or port 443 (HTTPS) traffic from specific IP addresses.

  • Use case: When you have a multi-tier application where different tiers of instances require communication with each other, you can create separate Security Groups for each tier, with specific rules for communication within the group and between different groups.

Important Points

  • AWS Security Groups are free to use and do not cost any additional charges.
  • A security group can have multiple instances associated with it.
  • By default, an AWS security group denies all incoming traffic and allows all outgoing traffic.
  • AWS provides an option of creating rules for a specific IP address range, rather than all IP addresses.


AWS Security Groups are an essential part of controlling the network traffic for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instances. With its simple setup process, it offers a flexible way of controlling both incoming and outgoing traffic. AWS Security Groups provide an excellent way of securing your instances and preventing unauthorized access. Properly configuring inbound and outbound rules and creating multiple groups for different tiers of applications is essential for securing your AWS infrastructure.

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