  1. aws-creating-custom-vpc

Creating Custom VPC in AWS

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a virtual network in AWS that enables you to launch Amazon Web Services resources into a virtual network. Here are the steps to create a custom VPC in AWS.


  1. Navigate to the VPC dashboard: Sign in to the AWS Console, then navigate to the VPC dashboard.

  2. Select "Your VPCs": Under the "VPC Dashboard," select "Your VPCs" to create a new custom VPC.

  3. Click "Create VPC": Click on the "Create VPC" button, then fill in the details of your custom VPC, including your preferred name, IP address range, and tenancy options.

  4. Create Subnets: After creating the VPC, create subnets to divide the IP address range of your VPC. You can choose the availability zone in which your subnet resides.

  5. Configure Route Tables: A VPC automatically comes with a "Main Route Table." Create additional custom route tables to allow VPCs to communicate with each other. Add your custom subnets to the appropriate route tables to configure your VPC's routing.

  6. Security Groups: Security groups act as firewalls for your VPC. Configure the rules for your security groups to allow specific inbound and outbound traffic.

  7. Network ACLs: Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) control the traffic flow between subnets within a VPC. Create NACLs to allow or deny specific traffic.

  8. Integration with Other Services: Integrate your VPC with other AWS services, like EC2 instances, RDS instances, or Elastic Beanstalk.

Examples and Use Cases

  • Example: You're creating a custom VPC for your company's development team. Your VPC should have three subnets, one each in three different availability zones. You also need to configure security groups to allow inbound traffic through SSH ports and outbound traffic through HTTP and HTTPS ports.

  • Use case: You're creating a custom VPC to provide network isolation for your web application. You need to create a subnet for your web servers and a subnet for your database servers. You also need to create a custom route table to allow your web servers to communicate with your database servers while keeping them isolated from the public internet.

Important Points

  • Custom VPCs are a fundamental aspect of AWS network architecture.
  • A VPC provides complete control over the details of your networking infrastructure.
  • VPCs enable complete isolation of resources and provide network security.
  • Security groups, Network ACLs, and route tables are crucial components of custom VPC creation.


Creating a Custom VPC in AWS enables you to have complete control of your networking infrastructure, isolate your resources, and provide network security. AWS provides several tools to create custom VPCs, including security groups, NACLs, and route tables, which allow you to configure your VPC's network traffic and security settings.

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