  1. aws-creating-an-ami

AWS: Creating an AMI

In Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon Machine Images (AMI) are pre-configured virtual machines used to create an instance in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Here are the steps to create an AMI.


  1. Launch EC2 instance: Launch an EC2 instance in which you want to create your AMI.

  2. Customize Your EC2 Instance: Customize the EC2 instance as per your requirements, such as OS, applications, and configurations.

  3. Stop the EC2 Instance: Stop the instance you created in step one.

  4. Create an AMI: In the AWS Management Console, navigate to the AMI page. Select the EC2 instance you want to create an AMI for, then right-click, and select Create image.

  5. Enter the AMI details: Enter the name and description for your AMI.

  6. Launch instance using AMI: Once the AMI is created, you can launch it to create a new instance.

Examples and Use cases

  • Example: Create an AMI that includes a pre-installed web application along with the custom configuration required to run that application. Use this AMI to launch instances that can scale up and manage traffic on demand.

  • Use case: Create an AMI that includes specific application software with specific libraries for testing purposes. The QA team can then use that AMI to launch instances and run test cases in a controlled environment.

Important Points

  • Use a stopped instance to create AMI to avoid applications and data consistency issues.
  • Always give a descriptive name and description for the AMI.
  • Create multiple versions of your AMI to manage updates and changes efficiently.
  • Regularly clean up old AMIs, but make sure to have backups as part of your AMI strategy.


Creating an AMI gives you the ability to quickly create instances of EC2 with a pre-customized configuration, saving your time and resources. The process involves launching an EC2 instance, customizing it to meet your requirements, stopping it, creating an AMI, and finally, using that AMI to launch new instances as needed. By following the best practices, you can ensure proper management and maintenance of your AMIs.

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