  1. aws-sns

AWS SNS: Simple Notification Service

Amazon SNS, or Simple Notification Service, is a fully managed messaging service that enables you to decouple and distribute messages to modern applications and decoupled microservices. In this article, you will learn about using AWS SNS effectively.


  1. Create an SNS Topic: The first step is to create an SNS topic, which is a center point for publishing or subscribing to messages. You can create topics using the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, or AWS CLI.

  2. Create and Add Subscribers: Next, you can create subscribers to the topic, which can be email addresses, mobile numbers, AWS Lambda functions, or HTTP/S endpoints. Once added, SNS will deliver messages to those subscribers in a reliable and scalable manner.

  3. Publish Messages: After setting up the subscribers, you can then publish messages to the topic. Messages can either be sent directly to a specific subscriber or broadcasted to all subscribers.

  4. Configure Filters: SNS supports message filtering to allow subscribers to receive only the messages they need. You can use attributes to create filter policies to allow for more specific routing.

Examples and Use Cases

  • Example: An e-commerce application can use Amazon SNS to publish notifications for new orders, successful payments or failed payments. Subscribers can consist of customer support email addresses, SMS numbers, SNS integration with external systems, or AWS Lambda functions to initiate package delivery workflows.

  • Use case: A popular SaaS product can use Amazon SNS to publish status updates to subscribers who keep track of service outages. Subscribers can consist of DevOps teams, IT managers, or engineers using AWS Lambda functions to process alerts and take corrective actions.

Important Points

  • Amazon SNS can be integrated with multiple AWS SNS services for seamless message processing and delivery.
  • SNS supports fan-out messaging, including the ability to send messages to multiple HTTP/S endpoints or AWS Lambda functions simultaneously.
  • Message filtering allows for more fine-grain control of message routing and allows for more efficient use of computational resources.
  • Amazon SNS is ideal for modern application and microservice architectures and helps maintain the decoupling and availability of components.


Amazon SNS is a capable and straightforward distributed messaging service that enables you to send messages between microservices and applications. By integrating with other AWS services, SNS can provide reliable and efficient processing and distribution of messages to multiple subscribing endpoints. It supports real-time messaging use cases through fan-out messaging, while message filtering provides a more targeted approach to message delivery. Use Amazon SNS to integrate messaging capabilities on top of the AWS cloud infrastructure.

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