  1. sqlite-syntax

SQLite Syntax

SQLite is a popular relational database management system that allows you to store and manage data in a structured way. In this tutorial, we will cover the basic syntax for SQL commands in SQLite.


The basic syntax for SQL commands in SQLite is as follows:

command [options] [arguments];

The command is the SQL statement that you want to execute, such as SELECT or INSERT. The options modify the behavior of the command, such as specifying the order in which results are returned. The arguments are the data values that you want to operate on, such as the column names or the data to be inserted.


Here is an example of a SQL command in SQLite:

SELECT * FROM table_name;

This command selects all columns and all rows from the table_name table in the current database.


The output of a SQL command in SQLite depends on the command and the data being queried. For example, the output of the above SELECT statement would be a set of rows and columns returned from the table.


In the example above, the command is SELECT which selects data from a table. The * next to SELECT indicates that all columns should be selected. The FROM keyword specifies the table we want to select data from, in this case, table_name.


SQL commands in SQLite are used for manipulating data in the database. You can use these commands to create tables, insert data into tables, delete data from tables, and retrieve data from tables.

Important Points

  • SQL commands in SQLite are case insensitive, but it is recommended to write commands in uppercase to make them more readable.
  • SQL comments begin with --. Anything on the same line after -- is treated as a comment and is ignored by SQLite.
  • Always use single quotes ' ' to enclose string values and double quotes " " to enclose table or column names.
  • SQLite commands must be terminated by a semicolon ;.


In this tutorial, we learned about the basic syntax for SQL commands in SQLite. We saw an example of a SELECT command that selects all columns and rows from a table and learned about the components of the syntax, including the command, options, and arguments. We also learned about the importance of using correct quotes and how to terminate commands properly with a semicolon.

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