  1. sqlite-create-db

SQLite Databases

SQLite is a compact, serverless, and self-contained relational database management system that operates on a single file. It is widely used in mobile applications, desktop software, and web applications due to its ease of use, portability, and reliability. In this tutorial, we will learn about creating SQLite databases.


The syntax for creating a SQLite database is as follows:

CREATE DATABASE database_name;


To create a new SQLite database named employees, we can use the following command in the command-line interface:

sqlite3 employees.db

The sqlite3 command automatically creates the database file if it does not exist. In this case, a new file named employees.db will be created in the current directory, which will act as our database.


In the example above, we use the sqlite3 command to create a new SQLite database named employees. The command creates a new file named employees.db in the current directory, which will act as our database. We can then use this file to store and manage our data.


Creating a SQLite database is the first step in using SQLite as a data storage mechanism for your applications. Once you have created a database, you can create tables, insert data, and perform other operations to manage your data.

Important Points

  • When creating a database, make sure to choose a meaningful name and location for the database file.
  • SQLite does not use a separate process or server for managing a database, which makes it a lightweight and efficient choice for many applications.
  • SQLite supports a wide range of data types, including text, integer, real, and null.
  • SQLite is ACID-compliant, meaning that it guarantees the Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability of transactions.


In this tutorial, we learned about creating SQLite databases. We saw the syntax for creating a new database and an example of how to create a new database file using the sqlite3 command. We also discussed the importance of choosing a meaningful name and location for the database file, and some of the key features of SQLite, such as its support for various data types and ACID compliance. Now that we have created a database, we can proceed to create tables and manage data.

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