  1. sqlite-detach-db

Detach DB - SQLite Databases

In SQLite, you can attach multiple databases to a single connection, and detach them when no longer needed. This allows you to work with data across multiple databases within a single transaction, or move a database from one location to another.


To detach a database in SQLite, you can use the following command:

DETACH DATABASE database_name;


Suppose we have two SQLite databases, database1.db and database2.db, which are both attached to a single connection. We can detach database2.db when we are finished working with it using the following command:



Upon executing the DETACH DATABASE command, SQLite will detach the specified database from the current connection.


In the example above, we have two databases, database1.db and database2.db, which are both attached to a single connection. We want to detach database2.db when we are no longer working with it. We use the DETACH DATABASE command to tell SQLite to detach database2.db from the current connection.


Detaching a database in SQLite is useful when you want to work with data across multiple databases within a single transaction or move a database from one location to another. It allows you to easily remove a database from the current connection when it is no longer needed, freeing up system resources.

Important Points

  • You must be connected to the database to detach it.
  • Once detached, the database can no longer be accessed through the current connection.
  • Detaching a database does not delete the database from the disk. It only removes it from the current connection.
  • If you detach a database that has uncommitted transactions, those transactions will be rolled back.


Detaching a database in SQLite allows you to temporarily remove a database from a single connection while leaving it intact on the disk. It is a useful feature for managing multiple databases within a single transaction or moving a database from one location to another. It is important to note that detaching a database does not delete it, and uncommitted transactions will be rolled back upon detachment.

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