  1. sqlite-export

SQLite Import/Export

SQLite allows you to import and export data in various formats. This can be useful when migrating data from one database to another or when backing up data for disaster recovery purposes.


The syntax for importing and exporting data in SQLite is as follows:

Importing Data

sqlite3 dbname.db ".import filename tablename"

Exporting Data

sqlite3 dbname.db ".output filename" ".dump tablename"


Suppose we have a SQLite database called students.db with a table named students that contains data on student names and their grades. We can export the table as a CSV file using the following command:

sqlite3 students.db ".headers on" ".mode csv" ".output students.csv" "SELECT * FROM students;"

We can then import this CSV file into a different SQLite database using the following command:

sqlite3 newstudents.db ".import students.csv students"


When exporting data from SQLite, the output is generally a file in the specified format (such as a CSV, SQL dump file, or XML file). The imported data is then added to the specified table in the database.


In the example above, we use the .headers on and .mode csv options to export the data in our students table as a comma-separated values (CSV) file with headers on. We then use the .output command to specify the filename for the output file (students.csv). Finally, we use a SELECT statement to retrieve all the data from the students table and output it to the file.

To import the data from the CSV file, we use the .import command to specify the filename of the CSV file (students.csv) and the table name to import it into (students). SQLite automatically creates the table if it doesn't exist.


SQLite import/export can be used for a variety of purposes, such as migrating data between databases or backing up data for disaster recovery purposes. It is also useful for working with data in a format that is compatible with other applications (such as exporting data as a CSV or XML file).

Important Points

  • When exporting data, make sure you specify the correct file format and encoding.
  • It is important to check the exported data file for accuracy before importing it into another database.
  • When importing data, make sure the table you are importing into exists and has the correct columns and data types.
  • SQLite does not support importing or exporting binary data, such as images or multimedia files.


In this tutorial, we learned about importing and exporting data in SQLite using the .import and .output commands. We saw an example of exporting data from a students table as a CSV file and then importing it into a different database. SQLite import/export is a powerful tool that enables us to work with data in a variety of formats and can be useful for migrating data between databases or backing up data for disaster recovery purposes.

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