  1. sqlite-glob

SQLite Clauses/Conditions

SQLite provides a set of clauses/conditions that can be used in a SELECT statement to filter the data returned from a table. Understanding these clauses/conditions is crucial in querying data from an SQLite database.


The common syntax of the SELECT statement with clauses/conditions is:

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition

The commonly used clauses/conditions in SQLite are:



Suppose we have a table called employees containing information about employees in a company. We can use the WHERE clause to filter the data to display only employees who work in the marketing department:

FROM employees
WHERE department = 'Marketing';


The output of the example above would be a table with only those employees whose department is 'Marketing'.


The SELECT statement with the WHERE clause above selects all columns from the table employees where the department is 'Marketing'. The result set includes only those rows that meet the specified criteria.


With SQLite clauses/conditions, you can filter, group, sort, and limit the data being returned from a table. These clauses/conditions help you to perform more complex queries to accurately extract data from multiple tables.

Important Points

  • Always ensure that you use the correct syntax with the correct clauses/conditions.
  • Use WHERE to filter your result set based on a specific condition.
  • GROUP BY is used to group or aggregate the data.
  • HAVING is used with GROUP BY to filter aggregated data based on a condition.
  • ORDER BY is used to sort the data in ascending or descending order.
  • LIMIT is used to limit the number of rows returned from the result set.


In this tutorial, we learned about the common SQLite clauses/conditions and how to apply them in a SELECT statement. We saw an example of the WHERE clause in action to filter data from the employees table and saw the resulting output. Understanding SQLite clauses/conditions is important as it gives you the capability to extract data from multiple tables by using complex queries.

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