  1. sqlite-outer-join

SQLite Outer Join

In SQLite, an outer join is used to combine rows from two or more tables, keeping all the unmatched records, along with the matching ones. Outer joins are useful when you want to retrieve data from multiple tables, and some of the rows in one table do not have matching rows in another table.


The syntax for SQLite outer join is as follows:

FROM table1
ON table1.column = table2.column;

In the syntax above, table1 and table2 are the names of the tables you want to join, [LEFT] OUTER JOIN specifies the type of join you want to use, ON is the clause that specifies the matching condition.


Suppose we have two tables, employees and departments, where the employees table contains information about the employees and the departments table contains information about the departments they work in. We are interested in retrieving all the employee records, including those who have not been assigned to a department yet.

FROM employees
LEFT OUTER JOIN departments
ON employees.department_id = departments.id;


The output of the above query would show all employees and their department information. If an employee has not been assigned to a department, the department information will be NULL.

id | name    | department_id | id  | name      | location
1  | Alice   | 1            |  1  | Marketing| New York
2  | Bob     | 2            |  2  | Sales    | San Francisco
3  | Charlie | NULL         | NULL| NULL     | NULL


In the example above, we use a left outer join to join the employees and departments tables based on the department_id column in the employees table and the id column in the departments table. This will return all the records in the employees table along with the matching records in the departments table. If an employee has not been assigned to a department, the department information will be NULL.


SQLite outer join is useful in scenarios where you need to retrieve data from multiple tables, and some of the rows in one table do not have matching rows in another table. It is particularly useful for retrieving all the records from one table and only the matching records from another table.

Important Points

  • Outer join can be used with different types of joins such as LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, and FULL OUTER JOIN.
  • When using outer join, be aware of the null values that are created for non-matching rows.
  • In some cases, it may be necessary to use a subquery or nested join to achieve the desired result.
  • In SQLite, you can use the IS NULL operator to check for null values.


In this tutorial, we learned about SQLite outer join and how to use it to retrieve data from multiple tables with unmatched records. We saw an example of joining the employees and departments tables using a left outer join to retrieve all employee records, including those that do not have an assigned department. Outer join is a powerful tool for retrieving data from multiple tables and should be used with caution to avoid null value issues.

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