  1. sass-project-setup

SASS Project Setup


Setting up a SASS project involves the following steps:

  1. Install SASS on your computer using the command npm install -g sass.
  2. Create a new project directory with subfolders for your SASS and CSS files.
  3. In the SASS folder, create your .scss files.
  4. Use the command sass --watch [INPUT] to compile your SASS files to CSS. [INPUT] refers to the location of your .scss files.
  5. Link the compiled CSS file to your HTML file or include it in your web app.


Once you have created your project directory and subfolders, you can set up your SASS and CSS folders like this:

  ├── sass/
  │   └── main.scss
  └── css/
      └── main.css

In the sass folder, create your .scss file:

// main.scss
$primary-color: #007bff;

body {
  background-color: #f5f5f5;
  color: $primary-color;

Then, use the sass --watch command to compile your SASS file to CSS:

sass --watch sass/main.scss:css/main.css

This command tells SASS to watch the main.scss file for changes and compile it to main.css in the css folder.


The output of the SASS compilation is a CSS file that can be linked to your HTML file or included in your web app. For example, the compiled CSS file for the example above would look like this:

body {
  background-color: #f5f5f5;
  color: #007bff;


When you use the sass --watch command to compile your SASS file to CSS, SASS will monitor the specified .scss file for changes and automatically recompile it to CSS whenever a change is made. This allows you to work with SASS and see the resulting CSS in real-time, without having to manually compile each time.

SASS also allows you to use variables, mixins, and other powerful features that aren't available in plain CSS, making it a popular choice for web developers.


SASS can be used in any web development project where CSS is needed. It is particularly useful for larger projects that require the use of variables, mixins, and other advanced features that can make CSS code easier to manage and maintain.

Important Points

  • SASS must be installed on your computer before you can use it to compile your .scss files to CSS.
  • Always use the sass --watch command to automatically recompile your SASS files to CSS whenever changes are made.
  • It is recommended to create separate folders for your .scss and .css files to keep your project organized.


Setting up a SASS project involves installing SASS on your computer, creating a new project directory with subfolders for your .scss and .css files, and using the sass --watch command to compile your SASS files to CSS. SASS is a useful tool for any web developer, providing advanced features like variables and mixins that can make CSS code easier to manage and maintain.

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