  1. sass-debugging

SASS Debugging


To debug SASS, you can use the @error directive with a custom message. Here's an example:

$text-color: green;

@if $text-color != red {
  @error "Text color should be red!";


Let's say you have a SASS file with a bunch of variable declarations, and you want to make sure that a certain variable has been declared. You can use the @error directive to throw an error message if the variable is missing:

$primary-color: #333;
$secondary-color: #999;

@if not variable-exists($primary-color) {
  @error "You need to declare a primary color!";


If the SASS code that contains the @error directive is compiled, an error message will be displayed in the console:

Error: You need to declare a primary color! on line 4 of main.scss


The @error directive should be used when you want to stop the compilation process and show an error message if a certain condition is not met. This can help catch errors and save time in the long run.


SASS debugging can be used in any SASS or SCSS file, whether it's a small project or a large one. It can be particularly useful when working on complex mixins or functions where errors can be difficult to spot.

Important Points

  • The @error directive should only be used for critical errors that need to be caught immediately
  • Use descriptive error messages that explain what went wrong
  • Avoid using @error too frequently, as it can make compilation time slower


SASS debugging can save you time by quickly catching errors in your code. Use the @error directive with descriptive messages to help identify and fix issues in your SASS files.

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