  1. sass-installation

SASS Installation


SASS is a preprocessor scripting language that is compiled into CSS. Here is an example of how to install SASS using npm:

npm install -g sass


Once SASS is installed, you can create a .scss file and compile it using the sass command:

// styles.scss

$primary-color: #ff6347;

body {
  background-color: $primary-color;

To compile this .scss file into regular CSS, run the following command:

sass styles.scss styles.css


When the above command runs successfully, it will generate a CSS file called "styles.css" with the following output:

body {
  background-color: #ff6347;


SASS allows you to write CSS in a more modular and flexible way, using variables, functions, mixins, and more. Once you have written your SASS code, it needs to be compiled into regular CSS that can be read by web browsers. This is where the sass command comes in, which takes your .scss file and compiles it into a .css file.


SASS is commonly used for larger web projects where CSS can become unwieldy and difficult to manage. By using SASS, developers can write modular and reusable code that is easier to maintain and update. It is also a great way to work with variables, which can make it easier to update styles across an entire project.

Important Points

  • SASS is a preprocessor scripting language that is compiled into CSS
  • It allows you to write CSS code using variables, functions, mixins, and more
  • To install SASS, you need to use npm or another package manager
  • To compile SASS code into regular CSS, you need to use the sass command


SASS is a useful tool for writing CSS code in a more modular and flexible way. By installing SASS and using it to write your CSS code, you can make your code more maintainable and easier to update. Once your code is written, it needs to be compiled into regular CSS using the sass command.

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