  1. sass-file-organization

SASS File Organization


In SASS, files can be organized in a variety of ways, depending on the needs of your project. Here's an example of how files can be organized using the 7-1 pattern:

|– abstracts/
|   |– _variables.scss    // Sass Variables
|   |– _functions.scss    // Sass Functions
|   |– _mixins.scss       // Sass Mixins
|– base/
|   |– _reset.scss        // Reset/Normalize
|   |– _typography.scss   // Typography rules
|   |– _base.scss         // Base styles
|– components/
|   |– _buttons.scss      // Buttons
|   |– _carousel.scss     // Carousel
|   |– _modal.scss        // Modals
|– layout/
|   |– _header.scss       // Header
|   |– _sidebar.scss      // Sidebar
|   |– _footer.scss       // Footer
|   |– _grid.scss         // Grid system
|   |– _layout.scss       // Global layout styles
|– pages/
|   |– _home.scss         // Home-specific styles
|   |– _about.scss        // About-specific styles
|   |– _contact.scss      // Contact-specific styles
|– themes/
|   |– _theme.scss        // Default theme
|   |– _admin.scss        // Admin theme
|– vendors/
|   |– _bootstrap.scss    // Bootstrap
|   |– _jquery-ui.scss    // jQuery UI


Here's an example of how the 7-1 pattern file structure can be used in a project:

|– abstracts/
│   |– _variables.scss        // Define Sass Variables
│   |– _functions.scss        // Sass Functions
│   |– _mixins.scss           // Sass Mixins
│   |– _placeholders.scss     // Sass Placeholders
|– base/
│   |– _reset.scss            // Reset Styles
│   |– _typography.scss       // Typography Styles
│   |– _base.scss             // Base Styles
│   |– _animations.scss       // Animation Styles
|– components/
│   |– _buttons.scss          // Buttons
│   |– _carousel.scss         // Carousel
│   |– _modal.scss            // Modals
│   |– _inputs.scss           // Input Styles
|– layout/
│   |– _grid.scss             // Grid System
│   |– _header.scss           // Header
│   |– _footer.scss           // Footer
│   |– _sidebar.scss          // Sidebar
│   |– _layout.scss           // Global Layout Styles
|– pages/
│   |– _home.scss             // Home Page Specific Styles
│   |– _about.scss            // About Page Specific Styles
│   |– _contact.scss          // Contact Page Specific Styles
|– themes/
│   |– _default.scss          // Default Theme
│   |– _admin.scss            // Admin Theme
|– utils/
│   |– _variables.scss        // Sass Variables
│   |– _functions.scss        // Sass Functions 
│   |– _mixins.scss           // Sass Mixins 
│   |– _helpers.scss          // Class & placeholders helpers
|– vendors/
│   |– _bootstrap.scss        // Bootstrap
│   |– _jquery-ui.scss        // jQuery UI
|– main.scss                  // Main Sass File


The SASS files are compiled into a single CSS file or multiple files as per the requirement of the project. The output is the final CSS, which can be linked to the HTML files.


The 7-1 pattern is a commonly used file structure for organizing SASS files in a project. It consists of seven different folders, each with a specific purpose. The "abstracts" folder contains Sass variables, mixins, functions, and placeholders. The "base" folder contains generic styles such as normalize/reset, typography, and base styles. The "components" folder contains reusable UI components such as buttons, carousel, and modals. The "layout" folder contains styles for the overall layout such as grids, headers, footers, and sidebars. The "pages" folder contains styles specific to individual pages such as home, about, and contact pages. The "themes" folder contains styles for different themes such as default and admin themes. The "vendors" folder contains third-party libraries such as Bootstrap and jQuery UI.


The 7-1 SASS file structure is useful for organizing and maintaining SASS code in large projects. It provides a clear separation of concerns that makes it easier to manage and modify code. The structure is also modular, allowing developers to easily import specific files when they're needed.

Important Points

Some important points to consider when using the 7-1 pattern for SASS file organization are:

  • Keep files small and modular, doing one thing only.
  • Use descriptive file names that make it easy to understand their purpose.
  • Use global variables, mixins, and functions to avoid hard-coding values and repeating code.
  • Import files as needed, rather than all at once, to improve performance.


SASS file organization is an important aspect of web development. The 7-1 pattern is a popular file structure for organizing SASS code. It consists of seven different folders, each with a specific purpose, which enables modular development and makes code easy to manage. Proper file organization can lead to better code maintainability, flexibility, and faster development times.

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