  1. sass-maps



A map in SASS is defined using curly braces and key-value pairs separated by a colon. Here's an example of a SASS map:

$colors: (
  primary: #007bff,
  secondary: #6c757d,
  success: #28a745,
  danger: #dc3545,
  warning: #ffc107,
  info: #17a2b8,
  light: #f8f9fa,
  dark: #343a40,


Using the $colors map, we can define a new variable called $primary and set it to the value of the primary key in the map like this:

$primary: map-get($colors, primary);

Alternatively, we can define the $primary variable using the map function like this:

$primary: map($colors, primary);


Both of the above examples will set the value of $primary to #007bff.


SASS maps provide a way to group related values together in a single variable. They are useful for defining themes, styling options, and other aspects of a project that require related values. Maps can be accessed using the map-get function, or by using the map function to return a list of key-value pairs.


SASS maps can be used to define colors, font sizes, spacing, and other variables that are used throughout a project. They can also be used to define themes, which makes it easy to change the color-scheme of a project by simply updating one variable.

Important Points

  • Maps in SASS are defined using curly braces and key-value pairs separated by a colon.
  • Maps can be accessed using the map-get function or by using the map function to return a list of key-value pairs.
  • SASS maps are useful for defining related values, such as colors and fonts.
  • Maps can be used to create themes which makes it easy to update the color-scheme of a project.


SASS maps are a powerful tool for organizing related values in a project. They can be used to define colors, fonts, and spacing, and can be accessed using the map-get function or the map function. Maps are useful for creating themes, which makes it easy to update the color-scheme of an entire project.

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