  1. sass-data-types

SASS Data Types


SASS data types are used to assign values to variables, operators and functions, and they are used to manipulate and calculate values in SASS. Here are the different SASS data types:

  • Numbers: Numbers can be integers, decimals or mathematical expressions. They can be used in calculations.
  • Strings: Strings are pieces of text that are enclosed in quotes.
  • Booleans: Booleans are true or false values.
  • Null: Null represents the absence of a value.
  • Lists: Lists are comma-separated values that are enclosed in brackets.
  • Maps: Maps are key/value pairs that are enclosed in parentheses.


Here is an example of a SASS variable assignment using different data types:

$primary-color: #4286f4; // Number type (hex color)
$header-font: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; // String type (font-family)
$is-active: true; // Boolean type
$ninja: null; // Null type
$my-list: 10px 20px 30px; // List type
$my-map: (key1: value1, key2: value2); // Map type


The above SASS code will output the following values:

  • $primary-color will be assigned the value #4286f4.
  • $header-font will be assigned the value 'Open Sans', sans-serif.
  • $is-active will be assigned the value true.
  • $ninja will be assigned the value null.
  • $my-list will be assigned the value 10px 20px 30px.
  • $my-map will be assigned the value (key1: value1, key2: value2).


SASS data types allow for flexible and dynamic value assignment. Numbers can be used for mathematical calculations, strings can be used for font and content values, booleans can be used for conditional statements, null represents the absence of a value, lists can help in organizing values, and maps help in accessing values through associated keys.


SASS data types are used widely in SASS files to assign values to variables, operators, and functions. They help in creating dynamic, maintainable and modular code. They can be used to create responsive design, conditional statements, and loop over values.

Important Points

  • SASS data types are used to assign values to variables, operators, and functions.
  • Numbers, Strings, Booleans, Null, Lists and Maps are the different data types in SASS.
  • Data types are used to manipulate and calculate values in SASS.
  • They help in creating dynamic, maintainable, and modular code.


SASS data types offer a flexible and powerful way to assign and manipulate values in SASS. By understanding the different data types, developers can create clean and well-organized code that is easy to maintain. They help in creating dynamic and responsive designs while reducing code redundancy and errors. SASS data types are an essential part of SASS programming and play a crucial role in creating clean and efficient code.

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