  1. ruby-xml

Ruby XML

Ruby allows us to work with XML files with ease. In this tutorial, we will learn how to work with XML files in Ruby.


Parsing XML document

To parse an XML document in Ruby we use the REXML library. Here is the syntax for parsing an XML document:

require 'rexml/document'
include REXML

file ="path/to/file.xml")
doc = file

Writing XML document

To generate an XML document in Ruby we use the Builder library. Here is the syntax for writing an XML document:

require 'builder'

xml = => STDOUT)
xml.instruct! :xml, :version => "1.0", :encoding => "UTF-8"
xml.root do
  xml.element1 "value1"
  xml.element2 "value2"


Here is an example of how to parse an XML document in Ruby:

require 'rexml/document'
include REXML

file ="books.xml")
doc = file

doc.elements.each("catalog/book") do |book|
  puts "Title:       #{book.elements["title"].text}"
  puts "Author:      #{book.elements["author"].text}"
  puts "Description: #{book.elements["description"].text}"
  puts "Price:       #{book.elements["price"].text}"
  puts "------------------------------------------"


Title:       Harry Potter
Author:      J.K. Rowling
Description: This is a book about a young boy who discovers he is a wizard.
Price:       19.99
Title:       The Lord of the Rings
Author:      J.R.R. Tolkien
Description: This trilogy is an epic adventure story set in the fantasy world of Middle-earth.
Price:       24.99


In the above example, we are parsing an XML file containing information about books. We open the file using method and pass it to constructor which creates an object of REXML::Document class.

We then iterate over all <book> elements using doc.elements.each("catalog/book") method. Within the loop, we use book.elements["element_name"].text to access the value of different elements within the <book> element.


XML is a popular format for data exchange and storage. In Ruby, we can easily parse and generate XML files using the REXML and Builder libraries respectively. XML files are used widely in web services, data exchange between applications, data storage, and many other applications.

Important Points

  • Ruby provides built-in support for working with XML files.
  • REXML library is used for parsing XML documents.
  • Builder library is used for generating XML documents.
  • REXML::Document represents an entire XML document.
  • REXML::Element represents an XML element.
  • doc.elements.each method is used to iterate over elements.
  • el.elements["element_name"].text is used to access element's text contents.
  • XML is widely used for data exchange and storage.


In this tutorial, we learned how to work with XML files in Ruby. We discovered that we can easily parse and generate XML files in Ruby using REXML and Builder libraries respectively. We also learned that XML is a popular format for data exchange and storage.

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