  1. ruby-multithreading

Ruby Multithreading

Multithreading in Ruby allows for executing multiple threads simultaneously, enabling developers to write concurrent or parallel programs.


Below is the basic syntax for creating a new thread in Ruby: {
  # code to be executed in the new thread


The following example demonstrates how to create and start a new thread using Ruby:

thread = {
  puts "Executing code in new thread"

# Wait for the thread to finish

puts "Thread completed"


The output of the above program would be:

Executing code in new thread
Thread completed


In the code above, we create a new thread using and pass a block of code to be executed in the thread. We then call the join method to wait for the thread to complete before continuing with the main thread's execution.


Multithreading in Ruby can be used in a variety of cases such as improving performance, implementing concurrent algorithms, and handling multiple requests in web servers.

Important Points

  • Ruby's Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) limits the maximum amount of parallelism that can be achieved through multithreading.
  • Mutexes can be used to prevent race conditions when accessing shared resources in multiple threads.
  • Care must be taken to avoid deadlocks and livelocks when implementing complex multithreaded algorithms.


Multithreading in Ruby allows for concurrency and parallelism in programs, improving performance and enabling programmers to develop complex algorithms. While multithreading comes with its set of challenges, careful planning and programming can help mitigate these issues.

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