  1. ruby-directories

Ruby Directories

Directories in Ruby are similar to folders or directories in a file system. They are used to organize files into groups and can be manipulated using various methods in Ruby.


Dir.mkdir("directory_name") # creates a new directory
Dir.chdir("directory_name") # changes the current working directory to the specified directory
Dir.entries("directory_name") # returns an array of all files and directories in the specified directory
Dir.delete("directory_name") # deletes the specified directory, if it's empty


Dir.mkdir("my_directory") # creates a new directory called "my_directory"
Dir.chdir("my_directory") # changes the current working directory to "my_directory"
puts Dir.entries(".") # prints the names of all files and directories in "my_directory"
Dir.delete("my_directory") # deletes "my_directory"




The Dir.mkdir method is used to create a new directory with the specified name. The Dir.chdir method changes the current working directory to the specified directory. The Dir.entries method returns an array of all files and directories in the specified directory. The "." and ".." entries represent the current directory and the parent directory, respectively. The Dir.delete method deletes the specified directory, but only if it's empty.


You can use directories in Ruby to organize files in your application. For example, you can create a directory for all your Ruby scripts and store all your scripts in that directory. You can also use directories to group related files together, such as images, CSS files, and JavaScript files for a web application.

Important Points

  • Directories are created using the Dir.mkdir method.
  • The Dir.chdir method is used to change the current working directory.
  • The Dir.entries method returns an array of all files and directories in the specified directory.
  • The "." and ".." entries represent the current directory and the parent directory, respectively.
  • The Dir.delete method deletes the specified directory, but only if it's empty.


Directories in Ruby are used to organize files into groups. They can be manipulated using various methods in Ruby, such as Dir.mkdir, Dir.chdir, Dir.entries, and Dir.delete. Directories are useful for organizing files in your application, and for grouping related files together.

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