  1. ruby-strings

Ruby Strings


In Ruby, strings are denoted by either single-quotes or double-quotes. The general syntax for creating a string is:

my_string = "This is a string."


greeting = "Hello, world!"
puts greeting


Hello, world!


In the above example, we create a string variable called greeting that contains the text "Hello, world!". We then use the puts method to output the contents of greeting to the console.


Strings are used to represent text data in Ruby programs. They can be used for things like displaying messages to the user, storing user input, or formatting data for output.

Some common string methods in Ruby include length, concat, include?, and split. These methods can be used to manipulate and analyze string data.

Important Points

  • Strings can be created using either single-quotes or double-quotes, but there are some differences in how they are processed by Ruby.
  • String interpolation is a feature that allows you to insert Ruby code within a string using the #{} syntax.
  • String methods can be used to perform operations on string data, like finding the length, concatenating strings, or searching for substrings.


In summary, strings are a fundamental data type in Ruby that are used to represent text data. They can be manipulated and analyzed using various methods, and can be created using single-quotes, double-quotes, or string interpolation.

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