  1. ruby-ranges

Ruby Ranges


To create a range in Ruby, you can use the .. or ... operator. The .. operator creates an inclusive range, while the ... operator creates an exclusive range.

inclusive_range = 1..10
exclusive_range = 1...10


inclusive_range = 1..10
puts inclusive_range.include?(5)  # Output: true

exclusive_range = 1...10
puts exclusive_range.include?(10)  # Output: false


The output of a range depends on the context it is being used in. For example, using the include? method on a range will return true or false based on whether the provided value is inside the range.


Ranges in Ruby are a way to express a sequence of values. A range is defined by two values: the beginning and the end. The range can be inclusive, meaning that it includes the last value, or exclusive, meaning that it does not include the last value.

Ranges can be used in many different ways in Ruby. Some common use cases include iterating over a sequence of values, checking if a value falls within a certain range, and slicing arrays based on a range.


  • Iterate over a sequence of numbers: Using a range with a for loop is a common technique in Ruby.
for number in 1..10
  puts number
  • Slicing arrays: You can use a range to slice an array using the [] operator.
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
sliced_arr = arr[1..3]
puts sliced_arr.inspect  # Output: [2, 3, 4]
  • Checking if a value falls within a certain range:
age_range = 18..100
if age_range.include?(25)
  puts "You are in the age range!"

Important Points

  • Ranges can be inclusive (include the last value) or exclusive (exclude the last value).
  • You can use ranges to iterate over a sequence of values, slice arrays, and check if a value falls within a certain range.


Ranges in Ruby are a way to express a sequence of values. You can create a range using the .. or ... operators, and use it to iterate over a sequence of values, slice arrays, and check if a value falls within a certain range. Remember that ranges can be inclusive or exclusive depending on the operator used to create them.

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