  1. php-type-hinting

PHP Type Hinting

PHP Type Hinting is a technique that allows developers to specify the data type of a function argument or return value. This ensures that the expected type of data is passed in or returned from the function.


To use type hinting in PHP, you will add the data type before the parameter name in the function definition. The syntax for PHP type hinting is as follows:

function functionName(Data_Type $parameterName): Return_Type {
  // Function body.


Consider the following example where we want to ensure that a function only accepts integer values:

function calculateSum(int $a, int $b) : int{
    return $a + $b;


If we call the calculateSum function with integer values, it will return the sum of two integers.

echo calculateSum(2, 3); // Output: 5

If we try to pass non-integer values, it will generate an error.

echo calculateSum(2, "3"); // Output: TypeError: Argument 2 passed to calculateSum() must be of the type int, string given.


Type hinting can be used for the following data types:

  • string
  • int
  • float
  • bool

To use type hinting for user-defined data types, you will use the name of the class or interface. Also, if a function has multiple parameters, each parameter can have its own data type.

PHP type hinting provides the following benefits:

  • It ensures that the expected type of data is passed in or returned from the function.
  • It makes the code more readable and easier to maintain.
  • It helps to avoid unexpected errors and bugs.


PHP type hinting is useful when:

  • You want to enforce the data type of function arguments or return values.
  • You want to avoid errors caused by passing the wrong type of data to a function.

Important Points

  • Type hinting is only available in PHP 5 and later versions.
  • Type hinting is not mandatory and can be left out if the expected data type is not important.
  • Type hinting can only be used with scalar data types and classes/interfaces.


PHP type hinting is a useful technique for enforcing the data types of function arguments and return values. With type hinting, you can avoid errors caused by passing the wrong type of data to a function. It also helps to make the code more readable and easier to maintain.

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