  1. php-comments

PHP Comments

PHP comments are a way to add notes and explanations to code without affecting the way the code is executed. Comments are ignored by the PHP interpreter, which means that they don't affect the output of the script.


PHP supports two types of comments:

Single Line Comments

Single line comments start with // and continue until the end of the line.

// This is a single line comment

Multi Line Comments

Multi-line comments start with /* and end with */. They can span multiple lines.

This is a multi-line comment.
It can span multiple lines.


Here is a simple PHP script that demonstrates how to use comments:


// This is a single line comment

This is a multi-line comment.
It can span multiple lines.

echo "Hello world!"; // This line prints "Hello world!"


When the above PHP script is executed, it will output:

Hello world!


In the above example, we have used both single and multi-line comments.

The first comment // This is a single line comment is a single line comment. It is used to provide a short description of the code that follows it.

The second comment starts with /* and ends with */. It is used to provide a longer description of the code that follows it.

The last line of the code echo "Hello world!"; is also a single line comment. It is used to explain what the code does.


PHP comments are used to:

  • Document code: Developers use comments to explain how their code works so that other developers can easily understand and maintain it.
  • Debug code: Comments can be used to disable parts of code to test and debug it.
  • Make notes: Developers can use comments to make notes for themselves or for other developers to help them remember something.

Important Points

  • Comments in PHP start with // for single-line comments and /* and */ for multi-line comments.
  • Comments are ignored by the PHP interpreter, which means that they don't affect the output of the script.
  • Comments are used to document code, debug code, and make notes.


Comments are an important part of any programming language, and PHP is no exception. In PHP, comments can be used to explain code, debug code, and make notes. They can be single-line or multi-line, and are ignored by the PHP interpreter. Adding comments to PHP code can make it easier to understand, maintain, and debug.

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