  1. php-code

PHP Code

PHP is a popular server-side scripting language used primarily for web development. It is open-source and can be embedded easily into HTML. PHP is easy to learn and use. In this article, we'll cover the basics of PHP code including syntax, examples, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary.


The basic syntax of PHP code is straightforward:

  // Your PHP code here

All PHP code should be written inside the PHP tags <?php and ?>.


Here is an example of a simple PHP program that uses variables to display a message on the screen:

  $message = "Hello, world!";
  echo $message;

This program creates a variable named $message that contains the string "Hello, world!". It then uses the echo statement to display the value of the variable on the screen.


When you run the above PHP code, you will see the output "Hello, world!" on the screen.


  • The <?php tag tells the web server that the code that follows contains PHP code.
  • The $message variable is created and assigned the value "Hello, world!".
  • The echo statement is used to display the contents of the $message variable on the screen.
  • The ?> tag tells the web server that the PHP code has ended.


PHP is primarily used for building dynamic web pages and web applications. PHP can be embedded directly into HTML and can be used to create complex web applications. PHP can also be used for command-line scripting and for creating desktop applications.

Important Points

  • PHP code must be written inside the <?php and ?> tags.
  • PHP variables are created using the $ symbol.
  • PHP has many built-in functions that can be used for tasks such as string manipulation, database access, and file handling.
  • PHP code can be easily embedded into HTML.


PHP is a popular server-side scripting language used for web development. It has a straightforward syntax and is easy to learn and use. PHP is commonly used for building dynamic web pages and web applications, and it can also be used for command-line scripting and desktop applications. Understanding the basics of PHP code is important for anyone interested in web development.

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