  1. pandas-pandasvs-numpy

Pandas vs NumPy - ( Pandas and NumPy )

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import pandas as pd


import numpy as np



import pandas as pd

data = {'country': ['India', 'USA', 'Canada', 'Japan'], 'population': [1.31, 0.33, 0.37, 0.12]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)



import numpy as np

arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])




  country  population
0   India        1.31
1     USA        0.33
2  Canada        0.37
3   Japan        0.12


[1 2 3 4 5]


Pandas and NumPy are two popular libraries in Python that are widely used for data manipulation and analysis. Both of them have their own unique features and benefits.

Pandas is primarily used for handling tabular data, while NumPy is used for numerical computing. Pandas provides a DataFrame object that makes it easy to with tabular data by providing indexing, filtering, and merging capabilities. NumPy provides powerful array operations and linear algebra functions that are useful in scientific computing and data analysis.

In the above examples, we create a Pandas DataFrame object that represents population data for different countries, and a NumPy array that contains a list of integers. Pandas DataFrame provides a structured and labeled data, while NumPy arrays allow fast computations and operations on numerical data.


Pandas is commonly used in data analysis and data science tasks, where data is stored in tabular form. It is useful for tasks such as data cleaning, preprocessing, and data visualization. NumPy is used mainly in scientific computing and numerical analysis, where mathematical operations and linear algebra are required.

Both Pandas and NumPy can be used together in many tasks, where Pandas is used for data manipulation and cleaning, and NumPy is used for numerical computation and analysis.

Important Points

  • Pandas and NumPy are two popular libraries in Python
  • Pandas is primarily used for handling tabular data, while NumPy is used for numerical computing
  • Pandas provides a DataFrame object that makes it easy to work with tabular data, while NumPy provides powerful array operations and linear algebra functions
  • Both Pandas and NumPy can be used together to perform data manipulation, cleaning, and numerical analysis tasks.


In conclusion, Pandas and NumPy are two important libraries in Python that are widely used for data manipulation and is best suited for handling tabular data, while NumPy is mainly used for numerical computing and analysis. Both of them provide powerful capabilities for data analysis and manipulation and can be used together to perform various tasks.

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