  1. neo4j-where-clause

Where Clause - (Neo4j Read Clauses)

The WHERE clause is a clause used in Neo4j to filter query results based on specified conditions. It is used in combination with other clauses such as MATCH, OPTIONAL MATCH, and WITH to create more complex queries.


The syntax for the WHERE clause in Neo4j is as follows:

WHERE [condition]

In this example, MATCH keyword is used to match nodes from the graph, WHERE keyword is used to filter query results based on specified conditions, and RETURN is used to return the matching nodes.

The syntax for the condition in the WHERE clause is as follows:

WHERE operator value

Here, property is the name of a property of the matched node that we want to compare against a given value, operator is a comparison operator such as =, <, >, <>, <=, >=, and value is the value to which the property is compared.


Consider the following example:

MATCH (p:Person)-[:LIKES]->(c:Cuisine)
WHERE p.age > 30 AND c.type = 'Italian'

In this example, we match all the nodes labeled Person that have an outgoing relationship of type LIKES to nodes labeled Cuisine. We filter the query results based on the age property of the Person node being greater than 30, and the cuisine type being 'Italian'. Finally, we return the names of the matching Person and Cuisine nodes.


The output of a query that uses the WHERE clause is a result set that contains only the matching nodes that satisfy the specified conditions.


The WHERE clause is used in combination with other clauses to filter query results based on specified conditions. It works by comparing the values of properties of the matched nodes using comparison operators such as =, <, >, <>, <=, >=. If a condition is satisfied, then the node is included in the result set, otherwise, it is excluded.


The WHERE clause is used to filter the results of a query based on specified criteria. It can be used to specify a single condition or multiple conditions using Boolean operators like AND, OR, and NOT. The WHERE clause is particularly useful when a query results in a large data set, and we want to reduce the set of results to focus on a specific subset of records.

Important Points

  • The WHERE clause is used to filter query results based on specified conditions.
  • It works in combination with other clauses such as MATCH, OPTIONAL MATCH, and WITH.
  • Comparison operators such as =, <, >, <>, <=, >= are commonly used in conditions.
  • The WHERE clause is particularly useful when we want to filter large result sets to focus on a specific subset of records.


In summary, the WHERE clause is a clause used in Neo4j to filter query results based on specified conditions. It is used in combination with other clauses such as MATCH, OPTIONAL MATCH, and WITH, and used when we want to filter large result sets to focus on a specific subset of records. The syntax for the WHERE clause is straightforward, and it is a potent tool when it comes to filtering data in Neo4j.

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