  1. neo4j-general-clauses

General Clauses - (Neo4j General Clauses)

Neo4j is a graph database management system that uses nodes and edges to represent data and its relationships. To work with this database, there are several general clauses available in the Cypher query language that can be used to efficiently perform various operations on the graph.


The syntax for using general clauses in Neo4j is as follows:

MATCH (node:Label)
WHERE = value
SET = new_value

Here, MATCH is used to match the nodes and edges in the graph that meet the specified criteria. WHERE is used to filter the nodes and edges based on specific property values. SET is used to update the property values of the matched nodes and edges. RETURN is used to display the desired output.


Suppose we have a graph database containing Person nodes with properties name, age, and gender, and edges between them that represent the friend relationship. We can write a query to display all the friends of a given person as follows:

MATCH (p:Person)-[:friend]->(f)
WHERE = 'Alice'
RETURN, f.age, f.gender

In this example, we use the MATCH clause to match all the nodes in the graph that represent a friend relationship between an Alice node and a friend node. Then, we use the WHERE clause to filter out the nodes that are not related to Alice. Finally, we use the RETURN clause to display the name, age, and gender properties of the friend nodes.


The output of a query using general clauses in Neo4j will depend on the specific query being run. However, the output will likely be a set of nodes and/or edges that meet the specified criteria.


General clauses in Neo4j, such as MATCH, WHERE, SET, and RETURN, can be used to perform various operations on the graph, such as matching nodes and edges, filtering them based on specific criteria, updating their properties, and displaying the desired output.


General clauses in Neo4j are essential for working with the graph database and performing various operations on the graph. By using the appropriate clauses, developers can efficiently query the graph and obtain the desired results.

Important Points

  • General clauses in Neo4j, such as MATCH, WHERE, SET, and RETURN, are used to perform various operations on the graph.
  • The syntax for using general clauses involves defining the criteria for matching, filtering, updating, and returning nodes and edges in the graph.
  • General clauses are essential for efficiently querying the graph and obtaining the desired results.


In summary, general clauses in Neo4j, such as MATCH, WHERE, SET, and RETURN, are used to perform various operations on the graph, such as matching nodes and edges, filtering them based on specific criteria, updating their properties, and displaying the desired output. By using the appropriate clauses, developers can efficiently query the graph and obtain the desired results.

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