  1. neo4j-aggregate-functions

Aggregate Functions - (Neo4j Functions)

In Neo4j, aggregate functions operate on a set of values to produce a single value as a result. These functions are typically used in queries to summarize or manipulate large sets of data.


The syntax for using aggregate functions in Neo4j is as follows:

[DISTINCT] aggregate_function(expression)

Where DISTINCT is an optional keyword indicating that duplicates should be removed before the aggregate function is applied, aggregate_function is the name of the function to be applied, and expression is an expression that evaluates to a set of values.

Common aggregate functions in Neo4j include:

  • COUNT()
  • SUM()
  • AVG()
  • MIN()
  • MAX()


MATCH (movie:Movie)-[:ACTED_IN]->(actor:Person)

In this example, we use the COUNT aggregate function to return the number of distinct actors that have acted in one or more movies.

MATCH (movie:Movie)-[:DIRECTED_BY]->(director:Person)
RETURN, AVG(movie.rating)

In this example, we use the AVG (average) function to return the average rating of movies directed by each director.


The output of using aggregate functions in Neo4j is a single value, representing the result of the function applied to the input data. The output can be used in further calculations, or simply displayed or stored for reference.


Aggregate functions in Neo4j allow for the manipulation and summarization of large sets of data. The syntax for using these functions is simple and consistent, making it easy to apply them in a wide range of queries.


Aggregate functions in Neo4j are used to analyze and summarize large sets of data. They can be used to calculate totals, averages, maximums, and minimums, among other things. By using aggregate functions, users can quickly and easily answer complex questions about their data, such as "What is the average age of people who have purchased our product?" or "What is the total revenue generated by our sales department?"

Important Points

  • Aggregate functions are applied to sets of data to produce a single result
  • Common aggregate functions in Neo4j include COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX
  • Aggregate functions are easy to use and can quickly summarize data


In summary, aggregate functions are an important tool in Neo4j for summarizing and manipulating large sets of data. These functions can produce a single result, allowing users to quickly analyze their data and answer complex questions. Some of the most commonly used aggregate functions in Neo4j include COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX.

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