  1. neo4j-optional-match-clause

Optional Match Clause - (Neo4j Read Clauses)

The optional match clause is a part of the MATCH clause and is used to perform queries with optional relationships between nodes. This clause is used to retrieve data from the database while allowing for the possibility of null values for non-existent relationships. In Neo4j, it is used to retrieve nodes or relationships and their connected nodes that have optional relationships with other nodes.


The basic syntax for the optional match clause is as follows:

MATCH (node1)-[:RELATIONSHIP]->(node2)

In this syntax, MATCH defines the required relationship between node1 and node2, and OPTIONAL MATCH defines the optional relationship between node2 and node3.


Consider the following example, where we have a graph of persons and their cities in the Neo4j database:

MATCH (p:Person)

In this example, we are retrieving all Person nodes and their associated City nodes (if any) from the graph. Since the optional match clause is used, the query will still return Person nodes even if they have no associated City nodes.


The output of the optional match clause will depend on the data in the database. If nodes and relationships exist that match the query, then the appropriate output will be returned. Otherwise, the output will be null.


The optional match clause is used to retrieve data from the database while allowing for the possibility of null values for non-existent relationships. In the above example, the optional match clause allows for Person nodes to still be returned, even if they have no associated City nodes. This allows for more flexibility in the query and allows for more results to be retrieved.


The optional match clause is used to perform queries with optional relationships between nodes. It allows for more flexibility in the query and allows for more results to be retrieved.

Important Points

  • The optional match clause is part of the MATCH clause and is used to perform queries with optional relationships between nodes.
  • The syntax for the optional match clause follows the MATCH clause, with OPTIONAL MATCH defining the optional relationship.
  • The output of the optional match clause will return null values for non-existent relationships.


In summary, the optional match clause is a part of the MATCH clause and is used to perform queries with optional relationships between nodes. It is used to retrieve data from the database while allowing for the possibility of null values for non-existent relationships. The use of the optional match clause allows for more flexibility in the query and allows for more results to be retrieved.

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