  1. neo4j-match-clause

Match Clause - (Neo4j Read Clauses)

In Neo4j, the MATCH clause is used to search for patterns in the graph database. It is one of the core read clauses in Neo4j and is used to retrieve information from the database.


The basic syntax of the MATCH clause is as follows:

MATCH pattern
WHERE condition
RETURN results

The pattern part of the syntax is where you define the pattern that you want to match in the graph database. The condition part is optional and is used to filter the nodes or relationships that are retrieved by the query. The results part is where you define what data you want to return from the query.


Let's say you have a graph database that stores information about employees and their managers. You want to retrieve the names of all employees who work for a manager named "John". You can use the MATCH clause to accomplish this as follows:

MATCH (e:Employee)-[:REPORTS_TO]->(m:Manager {name: 'John'})

In this example, we are matching all the Employee nodes that have an outgoing REPORTS_TO relationship to any Manager node with the name "John". We then return the name of each Employee node that matches this pattern.


The output of a MATCH query will depend on the specific query being executed. However, in general, the output will be a set of data that matches the defined pattern and meets any specified conditions.

In the example query above, the output would be a list of names of all employees who work for a manager named "John".


The MATCH clause is used to find patterns in the graph database. The pattern that is matched is defined by the nodes and relationships in the graph database, and the WHERE clause is used to filter the results of the search based on properties of the nodes and relationships.

In the example above, we define a pattern that matches all Employee nodes that have an outgoing REPORTS_TO relationship to any Manager node with the name "John". We then return the name of each Employee node that matches this pattern.


The MATCH clause is used in Neo4j to retrieve data from the graph database. It is used to search for patterns in the graph and to filter the results of the search based on properties of the nodes and relationships.

Important Points

  • The MATCH clause is used to match patterns in the graph database.
  • The WHERE clause is used to filter the results of the search based on properties of the nodes and relationships.
  • The RETURN clause is used to define what data should be returned from the search.


In summary, the MATCH clause is one of the core read clauses in Neo4j and is used to search for patterns in the graph database. It is used in conjunction with the WHERE and RETURN clauses to filter and return the data that matches the specified pattern.

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