  1. laravel-route-groups

Route Groups - Laravel Routing

In Laravel, you can group routes together to apply middleware or other attributes to a set of routes. This can make it easier to manage and organize your routes, especially if you have a large number of them.


Route::middleware(['middleware1', 'middleware2'])->group(function() {
    // Route declarations


Route::prefix('admin')->middleware(['auth', 'admin'])->group(function () {
    Route::get('/', function () {
        // Show dashboard
    Route::get('/users', function () {
        // Show user list
    Route::get('/orders', function () {
        // Show orders list


All routes defined inside the group function will have the auth and admin middleware applied, and the prefix of the URL will be admin. This means that all routes will require the user to be authenticated and have the admin role.


Route::group is used to group routes together and apply attributes to them. In the above example, all the routes inside the group will require the auth middleware, which means that users must be authenticated to access the routes. Additionally, the admin middleware is applied to ensure that only users with the admin role can access these routes. The group also sets the prefix of the URL to admin, which means that all the routes will have /admin as the beginning of their URL.


Route groups are useful when you want to group together routes that share the same middleware or other attributes. They can also be used to organize routes in a logical way, making it easier to understand the application's routing structure.

Important Points

  • You can apply middleware, prefixes, domains, and other attributes to a group of routes.
  • Groups can be nested to create more complex route structures.
  • Grouped routes are more organized and easier to maintain than individual routes.


Laravel route groups allow you to organize and apply attributes to a set of routes. This can make it easier to manage route sets and keep your code organized. Grouping routes together can save you time and effort when you need to make changes to large sets of routes.

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