  1. laravel-application-structure

Application Structure - Laravel Installation

Laravel is a popular PHP web application framework that provides an elegant syntax, a powerful toolbox, and a well-organized application structure. In this article, we'll explore the Laravel installation process in detail and discuss the various components of the application structure.

Laravel Installation


To install Laravel, you need to have composer installed on your system. You can install Laravel by running the following command in your terminal:

composer create-project laravel/laravel projectname


composer create-project laravel/laravel my-project


The output of the above command will be a new Laravel project created in the "my-project" directory.


The above command creates a new Laravel project with all the necessary files and directories. Once the installation is complete, you can access the application by running the development server.


Laravel is used for building web applications with PHP. It provides an elegant syntax, a powerful toolbox, and a well-organized application structure.

Important Points

  • Composer must be installed on your system.
  • Laravel can be installed using the composer create-project command.
  • The new Laravel project is created in the directory specified as the second argument of the command.

Laravel Application Structure

Directory Structure

The Laravel application structure consists of several directories that correspond to different parts of the application. The most important directories are:

  • app: Contains the application code.
  • bootstrap: Contains the application bootstrap files.
  • config: Contains the configuration files for the application.
  • database: Contains the database migrations and seeds.
  • public: Contains the entry point of the application.
  • resources: Contains the application assets (views, translations, etc.).
  • routes: Contains the application routes.
  • storage: Contains the application storage (logs, files, etc.).
  • tests: Contains the application tests.

Application Entry Point

The application entry point is located in the public directory. It is called index.php and is responsible for bootstrapping the application.


The application routes are located in the routes directory. They are defined in the web.php file or api.php file, depending on the type of application you are building.


The application controllers are located in the app/Http/Controllers directory. They contain the logic that is executed when a specific route is accessed.


The application views are located in the resources/views directory. They contain the HTML templates that are returned by the controllers.


The application models are located in the app directory. They represent the data that is stored in the database.


The application database is managed through the database directory. It contains the database migrations and seed files.


The application configuration files are located in the config directory. They contain the various settings that configure the application.


In this article, we explored the Laravel installation process and the various components of the Laravel application structure. Laravel is a popular PHP web application framework that provides an elegant syntax, a powerful toolbox, and a well-organized application structure. The directories and files of the Laravel application structure are organized in a logical and easy-to-understand manner, making it easy to build complex web applications.

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