  1. laravel-new-notification-system-using-laravel57

New Notification System using Laravel 5.7

Laravel is a popular PHP web application framework used to build high-quality web applications. Laravel 5.7 introduced a new notification system, which allows developers to easily send notifications to users via email, SMS, and other channels. In this article, we’ll explore the new notification system in Laravel 5.7.

Notification System Syntax

$user->notify(new InvoicePaid($invoice));

In the above code, InvoicePaid is a notification class that extends the Illuminate\Notifications\Notification class. The notify method is called on a user instance, and the notification instance is passed as an argument.


Let's take a simple example of sending an email notification to a user when a new account is created.

use App\User;
use App\Notifications\WelcomeNotification;

$user = User::create([
  'name' => 'John Doe',
  'email' => '',
  'password' => bcrypt('password'),

$user->notify(new WelcomeNotification($user));

In the above code, we create a new user instance and pass the user data to the create method. Then we call the notify method on the user instance and pass a new instance of the WelcomeNotification class.


An email notification will be sent to the user with a welcome message.


The new notification system in Laravel 5.7 allows developers to easily send notifications to users via email, SMS, and other channels. Notification classes are used to define the content of the notification, and the notify method is called on a user instance to send the notification.


The new notification system is useful for sending notifications to users for various events such as password resets, new account creation, order confirmations, and more.

Important Points

  • Laravel’s notification system allows developers to easily send notifications to users via email, SMS, and other channels.
  • Notification classes are used to define the content of the notification, and the notify method is called on a user instance to send the notification.
  • The new notification system is useful for sending notifications to users for various events such as password resets, new account creation, order confirmations, and more.


The new notification system in Laravel 5.7 provides a simple and flexible way to send notifications to users. It can be used to send notifications via email, SMS, and other channels, making it a useful tool for communication with users in a web application. With the help of notification classes, developers can easily define the content of the notification, and the notify method can be called on a user instance to send the notification. The new notification system in Laravel 5.7 is a powerful addition to the framework and is sure to make it easier for developers to build high-quality web applications.

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