  1. laravel-named-routes

Named Routes - Laravel Routing

Named routes are a useful feature in Laravel routing that allows you to easily generate URLs or redirect to a specific route by using a name instead of a URL. In this article, we'll explore the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of named routes in Laravel.


Route::get('/path', 'Controller@Method')->name('');


Route::get('/users', 'UserController@index')->name('users.index');


The above example defines a route named users.index that points to the UserController@index method. You can use this name in your views or controllers to generate URLs or redirect to this route.


Named routes provide a more convenient way to generate URLs or redirect to a specific route. Instead of hardcoding the URL, you can use a name that is easy to remember and doesn't change even if you change the URL.


Named routes are useful in the following situations:

  • Generating URLs: Instead of hardcoding the URL, you can use the route name to generate the URL using the route() function. For example, route('users.index') will generate the URL for the users.index route.
  • Redirecting to a specific route: Instead of redirecting to a specific URL, you can use the route() function to redirect to a specific route. For example, return redirect()->route('users.index') will redirect to the users.index route.
  • Testing: You can use the route name to test your routes using the PHPUnit test case.

Important Points

  • You can use any name for your routes, but it should be unique.
  • The route() function takes a route name as its first argument, followed by an array of parameters that will be replaced in the URL placeholders.
  • You can use the route:list command in the console to list all the registered routes in your application.


Named routes are a useful feature in Laravel routing that provides a convenient way to generate URLs or redirect to a specific route. By using a name instead of a URL, you can make your code more readable and maintainable. This feature is useful in generating URLs or redirecting to a specific route, and it also makes testing easier.

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