  1. laravel-resource-controllers

Resource Controllers - Laravel Controllers

Resource controllers are a type of controller in the Laravel framework that provides a simple way to handle RESTful resources. Using resource controllers, you can easily create CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for a resource. In this article, we’ll explore the basics of resource controllers in Laravel.


To create a resource controller in Laravel, you can use the make:controller command with the --resource option, like this:

php artisan make:controller PhotoController --resource

This will create a resource controller with the necessary methods for CRUD operations.


Let’s create a Photo resource using a resource controller. To create a Photo resource with CRUD operations, we can use the following command:

php artisan make:controller PhotoController --resource --model=Photo

This will create a resource controller with the necessary methods for CRUD operations for the Photo model.


The Photo resource controller will have the following methods:

  • index(): Gets a list of all resource items.
  • create(): Shows the create form for a new resource item.
  • store(): Saves a new resource item.
  • show($id): Gets a single resource item.
  • edit($id): Shows the edit form for a resource item.
  • update($id): Updates a resource item.
  • destroy($id): Deletes a resource item.


Resource controllers provide a convenient way to handle CRUD operations for a resource in Laravel. When you create a resource controller, Laravel generates the required methods for handling all the standard CRUD operations.


Resource controllers are useful when you want to create a RESTful API for your application or handle CRUD operations for a resource. They provide a simple and standardized way to perform these operations, which can save you a lot of time and effort.

Important Points

  • Resource controllers provide a simple way to manage CRUD operations for a resource.
  • Laravel provides a convenient way to create resource controllers using the make: controller command.
  • Resource controllers are useful when creating RESTful APIs or handling CRUD operations.


In this article, we explored the basics of resource controllers in Laravel. Resource controllers provide a simple way to manage CRUD operations for a resource. By using the make: controller command, Laravel can generate the required code for all the standard CRUD operations. Resource controllers are a powerful tool in Laravel that can save you time and effort when building a RESTful API or handling CRUD operations for a resource.

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