  1. laravel-generating-migrations

Generating Migrations - Laravel Migration

Migrations are a way to manage the database schema of your application using code. In Laravel, migrations provide a convenient way to modify the database schema without having to manually update the database. In this article, we'll explore how to generate migrations in Laravel.


php artisan make:migration migration_name [--create=table_name] [--table=table_name]


php artisan make:migration create_users_table --create=users


This will generate a new migration file create_users_table.php under the database/migrations directory.


Migrations are stored as PHP files in the database/migrations directory. Each migration file contains two methods: up and down. The up method is used to modify the schema of the database, while the down method is used to reverse the changes made by the up method.

In the example above, we're creating a new migration that will create a table named users.


Generating migrations allows you to manage the database schema of your application using code, which makes it easy to keep track of changes to the schema over time. You can use migrations to create new tables, modify existing tables, or add new columns to existing tables.

Important Points

  • When generating a migration, you can use the --create option to create a new table, or the --table option to modify an existing table.
  • Migrations are stored as PHP files in the database/migrations directory.
  • Each migration file contains two methods: up and down, which are used to modify and reverse the database schema, respectively.


In this article, we explored how to generate migrations in Laravel. Migrations provide a convenient way to manage the database schema of your application using code, which makes it easy to keep track of changes to the schema over time. By using migrations, you can create new tables, modify existing tables, or add new columns to existing tables, and keep track of these changes in your codebase.

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