  1. ionic-thumbnail

Ionic Thumbnail

In the Ionic framework, a thumbnail is a small image or icon that represents a larger image or video. It is commonly used as a preview or visual thumbnail for content such as videos, images, or articles.


The syntax for creating an Ionic thumbnail element is as follows:

  <ion-img src="path/to/image"></ion-img>

In this example, the ion-thumbnail element contains an ion-img element to display the thumbnail image.


  <ion-img src="assets/images/my-thumbnail.jpg"></ion-img>

In this example, we are creating an Ionic thumbnail element with a source image located in the assets/images folder of the project.


The output of the above example will be a small thumbnail image on the screen, that when clicked or pressed, may open the full image or video.


In Ionic, a thumbnail is a small preview of a larger image or video. It is used to give users a glimpse of what the content contains without having to load the entire file. The ion-thumbnail element is used to create the thumbnail container, while the ion-img element is used to display the thumbnail image.


Thumbnails can be used in many different types of applications, including:

  • Social media apps to display user profile images
  • E-commerce apps to display product images
  • News or blog apps to display article author images

Important Points

  • Ionic thumbnails provide a visual representation of larger images or videos.
  • Ionic thumbnails can be created using the ion-thumbnail and ion-img elements.
  • Ionic thumbnails are a useful component in many different types of mobile applications.


In the Ionic framework, thumbnails are an important component for displaying small representations of larger images or videos. They are easy to create using the ion-thumbnail and ion-img elements, and can be used in a wide range of mobile applications to provide users with visual previews of content such as product images, user profile images, and more.

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