  1. ionic-fab-button

Ionic FAB Button

The Ionic FAB (Floating Action Button) is a circular button that is displayed in front of the rest of the interface, and it is used to promote the primary action of the screen or view. It can be used to create a new item, to trigger a new action, or to provide quick access to a set of functions or options.


<ion-fab-button [options]>
  <ion-icon [name]></ion-icon>
  • [options]: optional input properties for customization.
  • [name]: name of the ion-icon to be displayed.


<ion-fab vertical="bottom" horizontal="center">
  <ion-fab-button color="primary">
    <ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon>


Ionic FAB Button


The above code creates a simple Ionic FAB button in the center of the screen. The vertical and horizontal attributes define the position of the button, while the color attribute sets the background color of the button. The icon inside the button is defined by the name of the ion-icon element. Note that the ion-fab-button element must be wrapped inside an ion-fab element for proper display.


The Ionic FAB button is a great way to provide users with quick access to specific actions or options on a screen or view. It can be used in a variety of situations, such as for creating a new item, for editing or deleting an existing item, or for toggling a view or setting.

Important Points

  • The ion-fab-button element must be wrapped inside an ion-fab element for proper display.
  • The vertical and horizontal attributes can be used to position the FAB button.
  • The color attribute sets the background color of the button.
  • The ion-icon element is used to display an icon inside the button.


In summary, the Ionic FAB button is a great way to provide users with quick access to specific actions or options on a screen or view. It can be used in a variety of situations and is easy to customize for specific use cases.

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